Best Bermuda Grass Seed

There’s nothing worse than a patchy lawn that has been severely affected by the hot Southern weather. Some types of grass just aren’t up to the Southern heat, and will wither away, leaving you with sad, brown lawns.

It can be tricky to find the right grass seed for your area without having to constantly replace it each time it dies off.

This is where Bermuda grass will come to your rescue. Bermuda grass is naturally hardwearing, and can withstand those intense Southern heat waves that can appear suddenly throughout the year.

You won’t have to worry about patchy lawns for long, either, as this grass can aggressively spread if left to its own devices. But with so many different types of grass seed to choose from, how can you find the best Bermuda grass seed for your needs?

No need to worry, we’ve done all the hard work for you so that you don’t have to. We’ve researched and reviewed the best types of Bermuda grass seed on the market so that you can get your lawn back in tip top shape in no time at all.

Take a look at the best Bermuda grass seed products on the market that we have reviewed in more detail for you below.

The Best 5 Bermuda Grass Seeds on the Market

1. Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Bermudagrass

The Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Bermudagrass is the perfect choice if you’re looking for a hardy Bermuda grass seed to sow on your lawn.

This particular grass seed is naturally hard wearing, and will be able to better withstand the intense Southern heat. It has been designed with full sun areas in mind, and can withstand and bounce back from periods of drought.

Another great feature of this grass seed is that it can withstand high traffic areas. This makes it a great choice if you have kids who like to be out running around during the warmer months of the year.

This particular grass seed will aggressively spread to fill any bare patches you have on your lawn. You can also choose between 4 different bag sizes to give you enough Bermuda grass seed to sow across your whole lawn.

What We Like


  • Multiple sizes – available in 4 different sizes to suit your needs
  • Resilient – capable of surviving through drought and a lot of use
  • Aggressively spreads – will easily cover bare patches in your lawn


  • Preparation – you will need to properly prepare the patch of soil you want to reseed first to ensure it will germinate and take root

2. Scotts EZ Seed Patch and Repair Bermudagrass

If you want to give your Bermuda grass seed the best chance of flourishing on your lawn, you should opt for the Scotts EZ Seed Patch and Repair Bermudagrass.

This particular grass seed comes with mulch, fertilizer, and tackifier to give your grass the best chance of germinating and taking root in your lawn.

The Sedge Weed Control doesn’t wash away after it has made contact. It starts working straight away. However, for the best results, try to apply it and let it completely dry before it rains.

However it doesn’t wash out after it has dried down. This product can be used in all seasons and one a range of different grass types including bermuda grass, bluegrass, ryegrass and fescue.

What We Like


  • Highly durable – capable of withstanding high traffic and scorching heat
  • Various sizes – choose between 3 different sizes of grass seed
  • Mulch and fertilizer included – gives your Bermuda grass seed a better chance of germinating and taking root in your soil


  • Watering – will need a bit of watering to ensure that the seeds germinate

3. Pennington Bermuda Grass Seed

The Pennington Bermuda Grass Seed is another excellent choice for growing Bermuda grass seed in your backyard. This particular grass seed is an aggressive self spreader.

So even if only a small portion of the seeds germinate in your lawn, for example in an area that hasn’t been properly prepared, this grass seed will spread once it has germinated.

You won’t have to worry about this Bermuda grass seed letting you down. Once the seed has germinated and taken to your lawn, it will be highly resistant to wear.

This is because the grass uses a deep root system so as to be naturally more hard wearing and resistant to wear and tear.Another great feature of this Bermuda grass seed is that it is naturally resistant to drought. So you can rest assured that it will bounce back from periods of scorching heat.

What We Like


  • Aggressively spreads – bare spots will be a thing of the past
  • Durable – highly resistant to wear and high traffic
  • Drought resistant – able to withstand scorching temperatures


  • Pricey – one of the more expensive options on the market

4. X-Seed Moisture Boost Plus Bermuda Grass Lawn Seed

Want a Bermuda grass seed that will ensure better moisture retention and therefore be more likely to germinate?

Then the X-Seed Moisture Boost Plus Bermuda Grass Lawn Seed should be your Bermuda grass seed of choice. This particular Bermuda grass seed has been polymer coated to give it a better chance of retaining moisture.

Another great feature of this Bermuda grass seed is that it will be able to cover a wide area of your lawn. Even though this is a smaller bag of Bermuda grass seed, this will be more than enough to cover 1,000 square feet of a new lawn.

It will be able to cover double that square footage for any existing lawns that need help with covering bare spots.

This Bermuda grass seed will be more likely to grow if it is sown in areas of full sun.

What We Like


  • Polymer coated – works to give the Bermuda grass seed better water retention
  • Value for money – able to cover 1,000 square feet of a new lawn or up to 2,000 square feet for existing lawns
  • Good germination – designed for more of a chance to germinate and take root in your soil


  • One size – only available in a 3 pound bag

5. X-Seed Unhulled Bermuda Grass Plant

Need to cover a smaller area of your lawn with new grass seed? Then the X-Seed Unhulled Bermuda Grass Plant should be your top choice. This will be an excellent choice if you want better value for money.

It is available for a competitive price compared to larger bags of Bermuda grass seed.

You won’t have to worry about waiting months to see results from this Bermuda grass seed. This particular Bermuda grass seed will germinate within 15 to 21 days after you have sown it on your lawn.A fantastic feature of this Bermuda grass seed is that it is wonderfully versatile. You can use it to sow new lawns, or it will also blend well with any existing grass that you have in your backyard. This Bermuda grass seed can be used to grow a luscious, permanent lawn.

What We Like


  • Budget friendly – available at a competitive price
  • Fast acting – will germinate within 15 to 21 days after sowing
  • Versatile – will blend well with any existing grass you have on your lawn


  • Smaller bag – only one size of Bermuda grass seed bag available


Searching for the best Bermuda grass seed can be a tricky challenge to face. There are so many different factors that you will need to consider. If you’ve never bought or handled

Bermuda grass seed before, it can be a difficult decision to make when choosing the right seed for your needs. How can you know which factors you will need to consider before you choose the right seed for your needs?

We’ve put together this handy buyer’s guide to help you on your gardening quest. As long as your chosen Bermuda grass seed has the below features, or you bear the below factors in mind, you can rest assured that you have found the best Bermuda grass seed for your lawn.

Let’s take a look at everything you need to know about Bermuda grass seed down below, or skip ahead to the frequently asked questions.

Amount of grass seed

One factor that you will need to consider when choosing the best Bermuda grass seed for your needs is how much seed you will need. If you have a smaller lawn or area that you need to cover or reseed, then a smaller bag of seed will be ideal.

If you have a larger area or lawn you want to reseed, then the larger the bag of Bermuda grass seed that you opt for, the better.

Most bags of Bermuda grass seed will be available in different sizes, so you will need to think about how much area you need to cover. Typically, 1 pound of grass seed will be able to cover around 1,000 square feet if you are seeding a fresh new lawn.

If you’re trying to cover missing patches on existing lawns, then 1 pound of Bermuda grass seed will be able to cover up to 2,000 square feet.

It will be best to measure the area of your garden that you need to cover. This will prevent you from having to guess just how much seed you will need to use in your backyard.

Drought resistance

Another factor to bear in mind is that you will need to opt for a Bermuda grass seed that is resistant to drought. This is a grass seed that is naturally better able to resist the hotter Southern weather.

So you will want to opt for a type of Bermuda grass seed that will be able to better resist those soaring temperatures so that it can thrive on your lawn.

If you live in a hotter climate, Bermuda grass seed will be the best seed of choice for your lawn. It will be able to take quite a beating from the heat before it starts to brown, and it will be able to bounce back fairly quickly once the heatwave is over.

Easy to plant

It will be crucial to look for a Bermuda grass seed that will be super easy to plant. The easier to plant your grass seed is, the easier it will make your life. The right type of Bermuda grass seed will simply need to be thrown into the areas of your lawn that you wish to reseed.

This is a fairly hardy grass seed that will be able to take to your soil with a flourish. This makes it a great pick for those who don’t want to have to follow lots of intricate steps before they can plant their grass.

However, your Bermuda grass is more likely to take to your soil if you were to prepare it properly beforehand. This doesn’t even need to be lots of backbreaking work.

It will be as easy and simple as removing any debris that could get in the way of the grass as it grows such as fallen leaves or weeds.

Make sure to aerate your soil properly before sowing your Bermuda grass seed, and give it a thorough watering each week so that the grass will be more likely to grow in your backyard.

Hardy seed

If you’re looking for the best Bermuda grass seed for your needs, then you will need to ensure that you choose a hardy seed. This is because you will need to ensure that your Bermuda grass seed is up to the job of enduring the tougher weather conditions in your Southern climate.

Bermuda grass is naturally more hardy and forgiving when it comes to drought. It is also a lot more forgiving and hardwearing than other types of grass when it comes to how much you use your lawn throughout the year.

The right type of Bermuda grass is able to withstand a good amount of wear and tear.

So make sure that you choose a Bermuda grass seed that promises to be super durable and able to withstand whatever you and your family have to throw at it.

Easily spread

It will be important to opt for a Bermudagrass seed that is easily spread across your lawn. This is because during hotter weather, some grass types can typically dry out and die off, causing bare patches.

Or if you have a dog in your home that does its business in your backyard, this can kill off the grass because of the excess nitrogen  in their urine.

So you should opt for a type of Bermuda grass that will aggressively spread to cover any bare patches that you have. This will also give you more of a chance to achieve that luscious lawn that you are after.

Not every seed will germinate and take root in your lawn. So if you opt for a type of Bermuda grass seed that aggressively spreads, you won’t have to worry about those bare patches for long.

By choosing a type of Bermuda grass seed that will be able to easily spread around your lawn, you will be making your life much easier. It will also mean that you are less likely to have to reseed your lawn the following year.

Easy to maintain

Another factor to consider is how easy your Bermuda grass seed will be to maintain once you have planted it. The easier it will be to maintain, the better. The vast majority of Bermuda grass seed will be suitable for mowing once it has reached around 2 inches in length.

Be sure to pick up a good fertilizer for your Bermuda grass.   We have another detailed article on the best fertilizers for Bermudagrass that you can check out for help with that.

You will also need to consider how often you will need to water your lawn to keep it flourishing. As we’ve already mentioned above, Bermuda grass is naturally hardwearing for a variety of reasons, especially when it comes to drought.

So there’s no need to worry about watering your grass during heat waves to prevent it from dying off as the grass will very easily bounce back again once the weather has returned to normal.


What is the best Bermudagrass seed?

The best Bermuda grass seeds are:

  • Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Bermudagrass
  • Scotts EZ Seed Patch and Repair Bermudagrass
  • Pennington Bermuda Grass Seed
  • X-Seed Moisture Boost Plus Bermuda Grass Lawn Seed
  • X-Seed Unhulled Bermuda Grass Plant

What is the best time to plant Bermudagrass seed?

The best time of the year to plant Bermuda grass seed is around the springtime. This is because it is a perennial warm season grass. Spring is the optimal time to plant your Bermuda grass seed because there will be less chance of bitter frosts to kill it off.

It will be best to wait for consistent temperatures so that your Bermuda grass seed is more likely to take and germinate in your soil.

Can I just throw down Bermudagrass seed?

The simple answer is that yes, you can simply throw down Bermuda grass seed. However, there’s no guarantee that you will get a successful rate of germination with this method.

You will get the best results from your Bermuda grass seed if you were to prepare the soil before you attempt to plant the seeds.

It will be best to rake up any dead grass that you want to replace. Aerate your soil and make sure to remove any unwanted weeds, stones, and other debris.

If you have clay soil which becomes easily compacted and suffers from drainage issues, you can fill your aeration holes with sand to aid with drainage.

Once you have thrown your Bermuda grass seed onto the area you want it to grow on, it will need regular watering to ensure that it has all the right conditions it needs to germinate properly.

A Helpful Video on How to Seed Bermudagrass

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